A discussion on what to do about a problem with pigeons in Swaffham has been put off until later in the year.

Town councillors were due to discuss pigeon control at this months' full council meeting, but due to a lack of time to look at the matter in detail, it was decided to move it to another meeting.

Richard Bishop, town clerk, said thee was a problem at some buildings, including the town hall, with damage caused by pigeons, and the council was also aware of a risk of disease form pigeon droppings.

Mr Bishop said councillors would now the discuss the issue at another monthly meeting - likely in June - following the local government elections in May.

He said: 'This is something the council felt they needed to push on to the new council so they have deferred this decision.'

The council has been given a quote for £1,400 to have pigeon droppings cleaned away and netting to be installed at the town hall.