It’s the third week of the third national lockdown and most of us are bound to be feeling a bit fed up.

But personal trainer, Bernie Junior, said one of the best ways to combat those negative feelings is to get some endorphins pumping.

Bernie Junior, company director of Bernie Junior Fitness, said: "Mental and physical wellbeing sits under one umbrella.

"People are stuck at home and they need something to get into and get moving, even it's from home for half an hour. Start your day right and your week will finish right."

He gives 10 high intensity moves to get you sweating at home.

Warm up - 3/4 mins

  • Arm Circles
  • High Knees
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Running on the spot

Squat Jumps - 15 reps, 3 sets

Bernie Junior said: "Stand facing forward, lower into a squat, leap up and land softly on both feet.

"This move improves upper and lower body strength."

Flutter Kicks - 30 reps, 3 sets

"Place both hands underneath your buttocks, keep your lower back on the ground.

"Lift your right leg off the ground (slightly past hip height) and then lower to just above the ground. Switch legs, making a flutter kick motion."

"This move improves posture, stability, balance and gives you more defined ab muscles."

Ab Crunch - 15 reps, 3 sets

"Lie down on your back, place feet hip width apart. Bend your knees, hands on the side of your head.

"Contract your abs and inhale, exhale and lift your upper body around 4-6 inches, keeping your head and neck relaxed.

"Ab crunches are designed to tone and strengthen core muscles."

Plank - 30 sec, 3 sets

"Get into forearm plank position, elbows directly under shoulders, feet hip width apart. Keep your back, head and neck in neutral position. Hold for 30 seconds.

"Planks strengthen your ab muscles which naturally results in strong posture."

Glute Bridge - 15 reps, 3 sets

"Lie down face up on the floor, knees bent, feet flat on the ground & arms by your side.

"Lift your hips off the ground until knees, hips and shoulders form a straight line. Hold position for 2-4 seconds."

"This is great for toning glutes, hamstrings and core."

Burpees - 15 reps, 3 sets

"Stand straight, squat down and place your hands on the floor in front of you.

"Kick both feet out behind you so you are in a push up position. Return back to squat position and jump up. Repeat.

"Burpees are fantastic for building strength all over the body."

Mountain Climbers - 30 reps, 3 sets

"Get into a push up position, bring right knee up and towards your midsection and back again.

"Do the same with your left knee and then repeat.

"This move is great for cardio endurance, core strength and agility."

Back Lunge - 20 reps, 3 sets

"Stand up straight with your hands on your hips. Take a large step back with your left foot.

"Lower your hips so that your right thigh (front leg) becomes parallel with the floor with your right knee positioned directly over your ankle. Change legs and repeat."

"This is a fantastic lower body workout."

Tricep Dips - 15 reps, 3 sets

"Using a chair, face forward with your feet in front, hands on edge of chair.

"Lower yourself down until elbows are bent (between 45-90 degrees). Push back up to start position and repeat.

"This is a fantastic exercise for engaging and toning triceps (back of arms)."

Russian Twists - 30 reps, 3 sets

"Sit on the floor with knees bent, cross your feet and lift slightly off the floor.

"Cross your arms on your chest and twist left to right. Alternatively, put your hands together in front of you and tap the floor left to right."

"Russian twists are great at strengthening your obliques and core muscles."

Bernie Junior Fitness now has more than 400 clients who have joined his online training programme.

The fitness instructor has also started doing PE lessons for children online, on Wednesday morning at 7.30am and Friday morning at 7.30am, and is open to anyone.

For more information you can contact Bernie via email,, or via Instagram, @bernie.juniorfitness.